Electric Clock Repair

Electric Clock Repair and conversion
Although we can repair just about any type of mechanical, key wound or weight driven clock, we do have some limitations when it comes to electric clocks. The first limitation is that of replacement electric motor availability. With the increase in popularity of battery-operated clocks that do not require an electric cord, electric clocks fell out of favor. This caused a significant drop in demand for replacement motors. This meant that more and more electric motors and rotors became unavailable. The only significant motor still in production is made by a company called Syncrhon. These are commonly found in many modern electric clocks made over the last few decades. We will often see these in advertising clocks, neon clocks and large clocks that hang in commercial buildings.

Electric Chiming Clocks
The other electric clock type that we frequently repair are vintage electric chiming mantle clocks. The most popular rotor for these clocks were made by a company called Telechron. This rotor is often rebuilt by a few people who specialize in this type of work for the clockmaking trade. I am fortunate to have purchased a large number of these rotors that are new old stock making it unnecessary for me to have them rebuilt. If the clock is not worn too badly, we can usually replace the rotor, the electric cord and oil and adjust the movement for our customers. If the clock is worn the cost of the repair can be quite expensive which leads to the next possibility.

Electric Clock Conversions
For those who like the clock too much to throw it away but not enough to want to spend huge amounts of money, we can very often convert the clock from corded electric to battery operated for a pretty reasonable fee. This might mean installing a battery-operated chiming movement in place of an electric one or installing a time only battery unit in an old electric advertising clock. for those electric clocks that are lighted and have electric movements we cannot get replacements for, we can rewire the electric to power the lights and install a battery-operated movement to run the hands. We have even converted an old electric Corvette car clock from electric to battery.