Clock Repair Work

A Detailed Look into the World of Master Clock Repair
As you may have discovered by now, this is no ordinary clock repair web site. We are not just trying to educate you about our services but also to educate the clock owner about clocks and clock repair. we hope that you will take the time to investigate all the information we have provided for you here and on our other pages. Our goal is to elevate the craft of clock repair in the eyes of the public and to illustrate the rarity of the true clock repair professional. Under the heading “Clock Repair Work” we have seven different pages and close to a hundred photos with descriptive text for you to examine. Under each photo below is a short descriptive text of what you will find on the corresponding page.
Click on any of the photos below to navigate to that page.
Clock Movement Restoration
Not all overhauls are “created” equally.
Once a clock wears out it must be rebuilt to restore it to proper working order. Step into our repair shop and see the many steps that must be taken to perform a proper overhaul of a clock movement. In this example we will use an early American Striking mantel clock movement. Click on the photo above to learn more.
Antique Bell Striking Tall Case Clocks
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due to the extreme age of these magnificent tall clocks, special attention must be given to ensure that, not only are the worn areas repaired, but that poor repairs done in the past are also corrected. Click on the photo above to learn more.
The Art of Clock Repair
Not all repair work is ordinary. Some jobs are more creative, requiring special skills, effort and time. Often this means restoring badly damaged parts or making new parts from raw material that will match the original designs. Take a look at what we might call “extra ordinary repairs” completed as artfully as possible by clicking on the photo above.
Before and After: Movements
Click on the photo above to examine some of the many clock movements we have restored in this tour of photos taken before and after restoration.
Before and After: Cases
Examine some of the many clock cases we have cleaned or restored in this exhibition of before and after photos by clicking on the photo above.
Before and After: Dials
By clicking on the photo above you can examine some of the many clock dials that we have had restored for our customers in this presentation of before and after photos.
Herschede Restoration
Click on this photo to learn more about one of our specialties, the restoration of Herschede Tubular Bell tall case clock movements.
Videos of Unique Clocks
Some clocks that we have repaired are just fun to watch as they do their “thing”. You can watch them by clicking on the photo above.