About Us

Learn more about master Clock Repair
and our two clockmakers,
Michael and Christian Gainey
When choosing a clock repair shop, why not learn all you can about the people who will be performing the repairs? Links on the photos below will direct you, not just to pages containing contact and location information, but you will also find pages dedicated to our training, experience, qualifications, repair philosophy and even our hobbies. In this “About Us” section we have eight pages for you to examine. Under each photo below is a short descriptive text of what you will find on the corresponding page. We hope that you will take the time to view these pages to find out why Master Clock Repair should be “your” clock repair shop!
Click on any of the photos below to navigate to that page.
Contact Us
Click on the photo above for Phone number and email address as well as a convenient form you can use to ask us a question or arrange for a service.
Need our address? Click on the photo above to see photos of our home and shop as well as a google map to help you find us. You can also learn about our satellite location in Marysville, Ohio.
When visiting other clock shop websites, We were surprised to see that there are very few that list their qualifications or provide information about their training. We want you to be confident when you leave your clock with us that you and your clock are in good hands. Click on the photo above to see Michael’s extensive list of qualifications.
What To Expect
Visit this page by clicking on the photo above to learn what it is like to come into our shop to receive an estimate, including our estimating process, approvals and deposits.
Our Estimating Philosophy
Learn why “all repairs are guaranteed” may not be in your best interest. Take a look inside the minds of our clockmakers when we provide you with an estimate by clicking on the photo above.
Michael as Teacher
Michael has been sharing his clock repair knowledge with others on a regular basis for over twenty years. Learn about this interesting part of Michael’s life by clicking on the photo above.
Michael’s Hobbies
Click on the above photo to learn more about Michael’s hobbies and passions and what he does in his spare time.
Christian’s Hobbies
Click the photo above to gain insight into what makes Christian “tick”.
Time Machine Van
Master Clock Repair has a unique van for making house calls. See photos of “The Time Machine” by clicking on the photo and visiting this page.