Michael as Teacher

Michael is Always a Student,
But Often a Teacher.
Even after over 40 years, working full time in clock repair, Michael still takes time to learn every chance he gets. This is not a trade where you can ever say you have learned it all. it simply is not possible in a single lifetime. There are often, new skills that can be learned, and old skills that can be improved. While he is always eager to learn, he also has much to share from his vast experience that can help others along their path of knowledge and skill enhancement. make no mistake, teaching also involves learning. Some would say that if you really want to learn something, teach a class on it. Assuming you are passionate about what you do, you will not teach a class on something you do not fully understand. This requires delving deep into the material and making sure you are not just teaching the “what” but also the “why”. Some of Michael’s classes have been developed and improved over a twenty-year period. As Michael learns more, his classes quite naturally expand to accommodate his new knowledge and skills. Every class Michael has taught, he has learned something in the process of developing the materials for the class. In addition, even while teaching, oftentimes, the students have something to teach him as well.

List of Classes Michael has taught:
“Servicing the Aging Modern Floor Clock in the Home”
A class designed to teach students how to trouble shoot typical problems encountered on the modern grandfather clock and repair them in a single trip.
“Advanced Clock Repair”
This class covered topics like repivoting, teeth replacement, burnishing, proper synchronization of clock movements and manipulating the common recoil escapement for proper lock, drop and lift.
“Bushing, Broaching and Burnishing”
This class teaches the proper installation of bushings to repair worn areas in a clock, broaching the new bushings properly and burnishing the pivots that will turn in the bushings.
“Lantern Pinions, Mainsprings and Barrel Repair”
A class designed to help the students replace worn lantern pinions, repair and or replace damaged mainsprings and repair damaged mainspring barrels, including making new mainspring barrel catches and replacing damaged teeth.
“Herschede Tubular Bell Movement Restoration”
An advanced class showing students how to properly repair and restore the high quality and complex tubular bell movement.
“Success in the Marketplace”
Many clockmakers gain sufficient skill in repairing clocks but lack the proper business acumen to run a successful business. In this class Michael shares his hard-earned wisdom with other clock and watchmakers to help them serve their customers better and help them grow their business.

A Review of One of Michael’s Classes
AWCI Washington D.C. Convention
My impression of Michael Gainey’s presentation was most favorable. How many times do we say, “If only I could see this or that done”? Well, here was a master craftsman who gave unconditionally of his time and talent, spending two days, several hours each, who brought “the store” as it were, consisting of all manner of tools, materials, and equipment, physically demonstrating techniques, while providing tips and best practices, being open and willing to share his wealth of knowledge. Michael Gainey, as it turns out, is an outstanding communicator and a marvelous teacher, bringing the subject down to both the beginner and the experienced practitioner alike.
He taught us all how to repair and replace broken or missing brass teeth in a clock mainspring barrel.
Sorry for those who couldn’t attend, as this was a demonstration where actions truly spoke louder than words.
Charles Salomon
Michael’s Herschede Restoration Class
Slide Show
Photos from two of Michael’s classes on “Servicing the Aging Modern Floor Clock in the Home”.
Slide Show
Photos from other classes
Michael is passionate about helping other clock and watchmakers learn how to establish thriving, successful repair shops. Below are two photos from a business class Michael taught in Austin, Texas in 2019
Students gather around Michael as he prepares to demonstrate a procedure on the lathe in Washington D.C.
Michael often taught new clock owners how to operate and maintain their new clocks at a local clock retail store.
Graduating Students from A few of
Michael’s Various Classes
Michael has taught hundreds of students from all over the United States over the past twenty years.
Students from one of the many Herschede classes
AWCI Headquarters Harrisson, Ohio
Advanced Clock Repair Class Louisville, Kentucky 2016
Students from Michael’s House Call Class in Columbus, Ohio
House Call Class in Virginia