
” Knowledge is power”
Timepieces can be extremely simple, a sundial for example, or they can be incomprehensibly complex, like an astronomical clock. Their complexity can stem from their intricate components or the way that they are manufactured and assembled. Regardless, it’s worth the time, to learn about time, or your “time” piece.
Increase your knowledge about clocks and clock repair by reading the wealth of information that we have provided for you below. As you may have discovered by now, this is no ordinary clock repair web site. Through these pages we have worked very hard to educate the clock owner about clocks and clock repair. we hope that you will take the time to investigate all the information we have provided for you here and on our other pages. Our goal is to elevate the craft of clock repair in the eyes of the public and to illustrate the rarity of the true clock repair professional. On this page we have links to sixteen different pages we have created for you filled with information to increase your “Clock IQ”. Under each photo is a short description of what you will find on the corresponding page. There you will find an owner’s manual for grandfather clocks, interesting articles about moon dials, the history of The Herschede Hall Clock Company, the Seth Thomas Clock Company, a photo expose of awful clock repair work done by other shops and more, much more!
A Wise Man Once Said…
Clock Myths Exposed
There are many things that people believe about clocks that simply are not true. visit this page for an expose on clock myths.
Interesting Clock Facts
There are many interesting things to learn that are related to and about clocks. Read about some of them here.
Grandfather Clock Owner’s Manual
Everything you need to know about how to operate your grandfather clock written by a professional clockmaker in easy-to-understand language.
Hall of shame
The good, the bad and the ugly, but mostly the bad and ugly. In this photo and text expose we give you a look into the work performed by some clockmaking “professionals”. We will also show “the good” so you can see how it was supposed to be done.
Anatomy of a Bad Bell Striker Rebuild
A companion to the Hall of Shame next door this repair was so bad it merited its very own page.
How to Set a Moon Dial
Learn how to set the moon dial on your clock as well as the rich history behind the moon dial’s presence on many grandfather clocks.
Herschede Owner’s manual
Visit this page to read a copy of an original Herschede Owner’s manual as well as view other original Herschede documents.
Herschede Company History
On this page you can read a brief history of the Herschede Hall Clock Company.
Seth Thomas Company History
Read this brief history of the Seth Thomas clock Company while visiting this page.
How to Choose a Clockmaker
In case you are having trouble finding someone you trust to restore your heirloom; we have composed an article that lists questions to ask and things to consider during your search for a clockmaker you can trust.
The Art of the White Dial Clock
This page allows you to view the art of the “White Dial” bell striking tall case clocks that were made between 1770 and 1870.
Frequently Asked Questions
At Master Clock Repair, we are often asked the same questions. We have provided answers to those frequently asked questions here.
What is My Clock worth?
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Just inherit a clock or maybe purchased one at an auction? You would probably like to know what it’s worth! Unfortunately, this is not something that can be assessed over the phone. A clock’s value lies deeper than just its aesthetic condition. Just like the mileage on a car, the condition of the mechanism plays a huge role in the value of your clock. Although we are not appraisers, click on the photo above to learn more about clock values and how to find the answers you're looking for.
Outside of Ohio?
Although many people from all over the United States travel great distances to bring us their clocks, if we are too far away from you to be practical, please click the photo above. This will redirect you to our national organization’s website. Here you will be able to locate and view the credentials of Clockmaker’s that may be closer to you. Please keep in mind that, we do not ship clocks. You can mail them to us, but any clocks shipped to us, must be picked up in person at our main location. If you have used the tool above and still cannot find a local Clockmaker, please feel free to reach out to us.
Learn About Your Clock
clocks are rich in history. There is so much information to learn about each individual clock that people have literally written entire collections of books detailing this information. Although we are highly skilled at repair and have a lot of historical information stored in our minds, we are not historians. If you are only seeking information about your clock and do not need any service, please click the photo above to find out how you can learn more about your clock.
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What is Certification?
Does it really matter? Visit this page to find out why your clockmaker should be certified.