Shipping CLocks

Would You Like a Wall or Mantel clock Shipped to You?
Important Information
All of the clocks we sell are priced for local pick up. Although we can ship a clock that you would purchase from us there are several points that must be understood.
Cost of shipping and packing - Primarily we are a repair shop, not a retailer of clocks. The only two people who work in our shop, are both clockmakers who make their living repairing our customers clocks. When they are away from the repair bench packing clocks, they are losing money. Because we do not have a counter person or assistant who could do this for us, the clockmaker must do it. This assures that the clock is packed correctly, often double boxed, but we must pass the cost of their labor, the packing materials and the actual shipping costs onto the clock purchaser. These additional costs are often $100 or more depending on where the package is being shipped, how much the clock is insured for, how heavy or large the clock is and the cost of materials.
Warranty - Generally speaking, everything we sell is guaranteed. When a clock is purchased locally, we are here to back up the warranty with no cost to the purchaser. When a clock is mailed out of state, even though we will still honor the warranty, all shipping fees, both directions, must be paid by the purchaser of the clock. Our profit margins are simply too small to cover the expense of shipping.
Potential Damage - Clocks are delicate mechanical devices. We have shipped many clocks over the last several decades and unfortunately, a small percentage of them have gotten damaged. We are experienced clock packers, but everyone knows and has seen delivery drivers toss boxes around. This is fine when it is clothing, pillows, lightweight or other non-fragile items, but not for most clocks. When there is damage, even when we purchase insurance, the shipping company will fight us tooth and nail to deny our claim and filing paperwork and fighting with them on the phone is time consuming.
We realize that this information may very well discourage someone from buying a clock from us that needs to be shipped. Be assured this is not our goal. However, we must be honest with our customers. After buying the clock, cleaning the case, repairing the movement and allowing for a small profit, there simply isn’t any room for us to absorb free shipping and handling.