Mantel Clocks For Sale

Antique and Gently Used Modern Era Mantel Clocks for Sale
Be sure to read the information contained at the top of the “Clocks for Sale” page for important information about pricing, condition and guarantees.
Concerning Descriptions and Conditions
At Master Clock Repair we value our reputation highly and make every effort to interact with our customers with integrity. We try very hard to describe our clocks as accurately as possible. However, it is very difficult to call out every nick and scratch that may be present. Antique clock cases, by definition, are almost never perfect. When we use the description “very good” regarding a clock case we do not mean that it is perfect. We would designate these as in “excellent” condition. The description, “very good” would mean that the clock presents itself very well when displayed on a wall or mantle with no glaringly obvious defects that would detract from its appearance when seen from a typical viewing distance of four or five feet. If a clock is listed as being in “good condition” we will normally state where and what the major defects are in the description. We will also often use a photo to show these defects. Because we try to only sell clocks that we ourselves would be proud of, you will almost never see a clock listed as being in “poor” condition.
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Rare French Banjo Mantel Clock
Banjo clocks were a unique American design. In forty-five years of full-time clock repair, I have never seen a Banjo clock with a French movement or even a Banjo that was not a wall clock, until I saw this one. Therefore, a mantel Banjo with a French made movement is quite rare. When I had the clock appraised, I was told that only 1 out of 1200 banjos were made for mantels.
This clock was sold by A. Stowell & Company out of Boston. When we think of high-end jewelers today, the first name that comes to mind is Tiffany. The Tiffany name on a product denotes the high quality of the item. A hundred years ago, or more, there were a number of famous high-end jewelers that were doing a similar thing. These highly respected jewelers would not put their name on any product of average or poor quality since their reputation was at stake.
The clock movement is stamped “H& H” which denotes the Harris and Harrington Company. They were importers of French and English movements and were in business from 1896 to 1919. It is likely the case was made in America.
This clock is exceptionally beautiful and in quite good condition considering its age. It contains a very high quality “Vincenti” French made round movement. It strikes the half and the hours on a bell.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Banjo
Circa: 1896 - 1919
Country of Origin: France
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Eight Days
Case Condition: Very Good - minor nicks and scratches
Movement Condition: Made by Vincenti - Very Good - Movement has been disassembled cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: Very Good - The word “Boston’ is partially worn off
Features: Half hour strike on bell
Damage Noted: Throat glass has small diagonal chip in lower right corner.
Dimensions: 19.5” high by 9” wide by 5.5” deep

Chelsea Ships Bell Clock with Base
This stunningly beautiful clock is made by the Chelsea Clock Company, the last large-scale manufacturer of American made clock movements. Chelsea is known for their high-quality ship’s bell movements and cases. Unlike most brass ship’s bell cases, which are made of sheet brass, Chelsea cases are machined from a solid chunk of brass and are surprisingly heavy when picked up. I sent this case back to Chelsea where they restored the brass case back to its original glory.
The movement has been professionally serviced and tested and runs extremely well. The gong strike is based on the unique bell pattern that marks a ship’s four watch cycle. See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Ship’s Bell
Circa: Modern
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Eight Days
Case Condition: Brass case is in excellent condition - Wooden base has small nicks where the winding key was dropped on it
Movement Condition: Very good. It has been professionally serviced and tested
Dial Condition: Very Good - has small thin scratches near winding holes
Features: Half hour strike on gong
Dimensions: 8.75” high by 14” wide by 4” deep

Waterbury Eight Day Ogee Clock
This one hundred and fifty-year-old, eight-day, weight driven clock presents extremely well. The wood grain in the veneer is quite attractive as is the authentic reproduction lower glass. The wood finish is well preserved with few defects. The word “Ogee” refers to the unique curved and beveled shape of the clock’s outer “frame”. This style was quite popular during the time this clock was made. There were many picture frames and mirrors made in this same style.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Ogee
Circa: 1860 - 1885
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Eight days - Weight driven
Case Condition: Very Good - There are several repairs to the veneer barely noticeable in the photos but can be seen upon close inspection
Movement Condition: Very good - It has been professionally cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: Original painted dial very Good for its age - colors slightly faded - numbers very readable - small paint chips - There is a faintly penciled on repair mark at top of dial from 1902 - this used to be a very common practice
Features: Hour strike on gong
Dimensions: 29” high by 16.5” wide by 4” deep

French Art Deco Marble Mantel Clock with Garnitures
A very nice example of the Art Deco style in a French mantel clock made from marble. Most stone cased clocks will have quite a few chips in the stone but this one is in very good shape. The only chips I could find were on the rear edges and they were very small. This clock contains a very high quality French round movement made by “Marti”.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Mantel with garnitures
Circa: I am unsure of this clocks age. The Art Deco design would indicate that this clock was made during the art deco period between 1920 and 1930. However, the Marti company existed between 1870 to 1890.
Country of Origin: France
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: eight days - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good - The only chips in the stone that I could find are along the rear edges and they are very small.
Movement Condition: Very good - It has been oiled, adjusted and tested
Dial Condition: Good
Features: Half hour count wheel strike on a bell
Dimensions: 13” high by 13.25” wide by 3.75” deep - The garnitures measure 9” x 4” x 3'“

Seth Thomas Beehive Mantel
The rosewood veneer on this clock is stunning. The wood grain is so rich and dark. It presents very, very well in spite of the missing veneer on the right side of the base and the much smaller veneer damage near the number 3 (see photos). This clock has Seth Thomas’s “Lyre” style movement, likely one of the prettiest mass-produced movements ever made. It is a shame that it is not visible.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Beehive
Circa: 1890
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: eight days - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good - See the veneer damage in the photos below
Movement Condition: Very good - It has been professionally cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: The dial is a very nice trademarked reproduction
Features: Count wheel hour strike on gong with alarm function
Dimensions: 15” high by 10.5” wide by 4.25” deep

British United Clock Company Mantel
I have not performed a deep dive into the history of this company, but I did learn that it was founded in 1885 by Edward Davies, a former superintendent of works for the Ansonia Clock Company. This probably explains why the clock case and movement look more like an American clock than a British one. Unfortunately, the company did not stay in business for long, closing in 1909. Nevertheless, this is a very interesting looking clock case with a great deal of detail and a very nice finish.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Mantle
Circa: 1885 - 1909
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Eight days - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good - There is a slight defect in the top of the base on the right side rear
Movement Condition: Very good - It has been professionally cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: It is unfortunate that the dial has a spot that is worn through to the metal dial pan. It is also dirty. This is a fairly common issue with paper dial clocks that are now over 100 years old. Because they are paper, they cannot be cleaned easily. Because the dial is original, readable and contains the companies “made by” label along the bottom edge, we felt it best to not replace it
Features: Hour and half hour rack strike on gong with “repeater” pull string on right side of case - Cast brass bezel with beveled glass
Dimensions: 17.5” high by 13.5” wide by 6.5” deep

Ansonia “Berkeley” Mantle Clock
This type of clock is often referred to as a “kitchen” clock. The various early American Companies often gave names to their clocks. This one was designated “Berkeley” by the Ansonia clock Company. It appeared in their 1895 catalog. The vast majority of kitchen clocks had brass pendulums, brass dial pans and matching gold-colored stencils on the glass. This one has a silver theme instead.
See description below for more details.
Ansonia “Berkeley” Mantel Clock
Clock Type: Kitchen
Circa: 1895
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: Two Years
Length of Wind: Eight days - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good - The photo seems to show the upper part of the clock as having a lighter, duller finish. In person the finish and color are consistent, top and bottom
Movement Condition: Very good - We overhauled this for a customer about 15 years ago. It was sold to us when the customer down-sized
Dial Condition: Original Ansonia trademarked paper dial in good condition - There are a few stains on the dial - See photo
Features: Hour strike on gong
Notes: The dial and pendulum are original, but the silver stencil glass is a reproduction
Dimensions: 22.5” high by 14.5” wide by 5” deep

Welch “Roze” Mantle Clock
This one hundred and thirty-eight-year-old parlor clock is very attractive. It has the original dial, glass and special “Jacot” pendulum.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Parlor
Circa: 1885
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Eight days - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good
Movement Condition: Very good - It has been professionally cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: Original painted dial in very good condition with only a small amount of dirt and small paint chip
Features: Half hour and hour count wheel strike on gong - This clock has a special “Jacot” pendulum. This style of pendulum is much rarer as it has an indicator hand to show how much difference is being made when regulating the clock for better accuracy. Unfortunately, the delicate pointer is often broken (like this one) by the owner attempting to turn the hand by itself instead of using the knob in the center to regulate the clock. The tail of the indicator is still present - See photo - The clock also has an alarm visible in the photo showing the pendulum
Dimensions: 21” high by 13.75” wide by 4.5” deep

Barnes, Bartholomew & Company Triple Decker Mantle
This one hundred and eighty-seven-year-old clock is in remarkably good condition for its age. The carved columns and splat are quite attractive and in very good condition with no damage. The dial is exceptional considering how old it is. The clock appears to be all original except the lower, reverse painted glass which is a very nice hand painted modern reproduction. Because this is an eight-day weight driven clock it is quite tall for a mantle at just over 36 inches tall. This clock was made during a time when they were transitioning from mass produced wooden geared movements to mass produced brass movements. It is called a "triple decker” because of the three distinct levels to the clock; the upper door and dial, the middle “looking glass” section and the lower door.
Please note - The movement in this clock will require a rebuild before being sold. Once purchased, we will commence with repair at our earliest convenience.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Triple Decker- Carved Column and Splat with Looking Glass
Circa: 1833-36
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: Two Year with restoration
Length of Wind: Eight days - Weight driven
Case Condition: Very Good - The diamond shaped ivory veneers are missing from around the two key holes and there is some damage to the veneer around the upper keyhole. These areas can be repaired for an additional expense if desired
Movement Condition: Worn - The clock will be rebuilt and fully guaranteed once we have a buyer
Dial Condition: Original painted dial in very good condition
Features: Count wheel hour strike on gong
Dimensions: 36.25” high by 16.5” wide by 6.25” deep
Comments: This clock has not yet been restored mechanically. Restoration will be done when clock is sold.

New Haven 30-hour Steeple Clock
Once again, we have a very attractive, nicely veneered case with interesting grain patterns. There are almost no defects in the veneer and the finish is quite nice. Because it is a 30-hour wind we are selling this for far less than we normally would. In spite of the missing paint in the lower glass, the painted glass remains quite attractive.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Steeple or Gothic
Circa: 1880 to 1890
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: One Year
Length of Wind: Thirty Hours - Spring driven
Case Condition: Very Good
Movement Condition: Good - It has been professionally cleaned, oiled and tested
Dial Condition: Original painted dial in very good condition, small paint chips along bottom edge
Features: Count wheel hour strike on gong with alarm
Dimensions: 20.5” high by 11.75” wide by 4.5” deep

Seth Thomas Quartz Time Only Steeple Clock
This clock from the 1950’s or 60’s was once electric. Normally we might throw away a clock like this since the repair of the original movement would have been impractical cost wise. However, the “miniature” case (only 11 inches tall) was so cute we couldn’t stand to discard it. We removed the original electric movement and installed a new, highly accurate quartz, battery operated movement and have given this clock another chance to find a good home. This will make a great, inexpensive decorator piece for almost any home.
See description below for more details.
Clock Type: Steeple or Gothic
Circa: 1950’s or 60’s
Country of Origin: USA
Guarantee: Two Year
Length of Wind: Battery Operated
Case Condition: Excellent
Movement Condition: New
Dial Condition: Excellent
Features: Highly accurate quartz movement. Please note- this clock has no chime
Dimensions: 11” high by 6.5” wide by 3.75 deep

French Brass and Porcelain Mantel
Clock Type: Decorative Mantel - Brass and Porcelain
Country of Origin: France
Length of Wind: Eight Days
Case Condition: Very Good
Movement Condition:
Damage Noted:
Dimensions: ” high by” wide by ” deep

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